How to start a blog: Online course

How to start a blog can be intimidating. But if you have ever thought about starting a blog to share your point of view with the world, my online course can help get your started. A blog is a great platform to voice opinions, share life experiences, express creativity, entertain and education others. It is…

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how to select blog topic

How to choose a blog topic

Choosing a blog topic is very important when trying to drive traffic to your Website. What are you going to write about? Choose a blog niche that interests you…something that you want to write about at least once a week. Here are things to consider when selecting a blog topic: Do you have a hobby?…

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social media

Social Media: 6 things to do every day

Social media is not just about sharing your content, but also the best way to drive traffic to your Website or blog. You should have accounts on at least Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but other good channels are Pinterest, YouTube, SnapChat and Google+, depending on your subject and target audience. Social media management doesn’t have…

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